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Gevonden resultaten: 4
KAGM - Home

KAGM - Home « microscopy

(Klikken: 216;website toegevoegd: May 18, 2014, microscopy)
Bij het Koninklijk Antwerps Genootschap voor Micrografie (KAGM) leer je de wondere wereld van de microscopie ontdekken, preparaten maken en de techniek beheersen.

microscopie kagm microscoop microscope microscopy mikroskopie mikroskop microscope photos microscope images microfoto s
Electron Cryogenic Microscopy in Brussels

Electron Cryogenic Microscopy in Brussels « microscopy

(Klikken: 181;website toegevoegd: Nov 1, 2014, microscopy)
Electron Cryogenic Microscopy in Brussels
| The Center for Microscopy and Molecular Imaging

| The Center for Microscopy and Molecular Imaging « microscopy

(Klikken: 180;website toegevoegd: Nov 12, 2014, microscopy)
| The Center for Microscopy and Molecular Imaging
Micro-CT, MicroCT, mikro-ct, mikroct, micro CT, Nano-CT, NanoCT, Microtomography, Nanotomogr
SkyScan produces a wide range of the systems for non-invasive three-dimensional x-ray microscopy and for small animal imaging with spatial resolution in the micron range.

microtomography nanotomography micro ct nano ct microct nanoct mikroct small animal imaging non invasive non destructive